Contextual-behavioral psychologist Katie

Member of the Association Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy ACBS

Member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science Specialists (RUS)


Death friendly

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
I consult in a warm and unbiased style, believing that establishing a connection and comfort with a psychologist is a key factor for effective therapy. I understand that starting to change your life can be difficult, and therefore I value the time and effort my clients invest in their personal development. My goal is to support and inspire you throughout the entire therapeutic process.

I believe that everyone contributes their unique part to our therapeutic journey.

In my work, I strive to demonstrate impartiality and respect for my clients' opinions and feelings. I understand that every person is unique, and therefore, I don't try to impose my point of view. Instead, I aim to help develop your thoughts and feelings, and based on this, make more mindful decisions.
I firmly believe in everyone's right to a life of happiness and health, and I am committed to guiding each individual on their journey to attain this aspiration.
Acceptance and commitment therapy is backed by more than 1,500 randomized controlled studies.
Areas of work:
Burnout and stress
Eating disorders

Educational processes
Learning the process of learning
Finding inner motivation
Biblio- and cinema- therapy

Personal growth
Self-identification (gender, life, creative, and others)

Relationship seeking
Codependent relationships
Verbal and physical abuse in relationships
Difficult breakups

Various types of grieving: loss of loved ones, job, pet
Job change, retirement
Grown-up children
Difficult lifestyle changes, immigration, diseases (diabetes, oncology)

Parent-child relationships

Borderline personality disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Emergency psychological help
Suicidal behavior
Drug and alcohol addiction
Other types of addictions (gaming, sexual, etc.)

Under the age of 17

Severe psychiatric disorders only in team-based care (a psychiatrist or another specialized psychologist)
I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story.
Irvin D. Yalom
Psychological education
Contextual Consulting

ACT for Physical Health Problems with Ray Owen
Pure cognitions

Psychotherapy for adults with ADHD
Distance learning professional development program from the Faculty of Psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy

Therapy of Empty Effort (a cognitive-oriented approach to alleviating emotional pain)
Center of Contextual and Behavioral Therapy

Use of clinical functional behavior analysis in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Leading therapist of the ACT GAMETM
LLC "Psychodemia"

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (basic course)
Pure cognitions

Therapy for difficult breakups. What can ACT do?
School of Practical Psychotherapy

FACT (Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) in working with depression
Centre of Excellence

Mindfulness for Children Diploma
Centre of Excellence

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
LLC "Psychodemia"

Psychology of Cognitive Processes
The first large-scale online conference on mental health

Conference by Irena Ponaroshku
Johns Hopkins University

Psychological First Aid
An autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Capital Institute of Professional Education"

Fairy tale therapy in counseling
Use of metaphorical associative cards in projective diagnostics
Play therapy in counseling
Puppet therapy in working with fears
Sandplay therapy in working with children
An autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "Capital Institute of Professional Education"

Diploma in Professional Retraining "Psychological Consultant in Art Therapy"
Basic education

Educational institution of trade unions of higher education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations"
Diploma in Economics with a specialization in "Labor Economics"

Doctor of Philosophy for Economic Sciences.
Dissertation topic according to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 08.00.05 "Knowledge management as a factor in the development of the organization's personnel"
The cost of online consultations is flexible

from 300 zlotys to 450 zlotys
(duration 50 minutes)

at your discretion
(the content of the consultation does not change because of this)

Please, check the current exchange rate by yourself

If you feel the base price is already challenging for you but you need help, please write to me personally.

Why should I pay 450 zlotys if I can have a consultation for 350?

Because you want to.

Because you can.

Because it pleases you to support me and others in difficult life situations.

Because it's gratifying to pay for quality services that are important to you, and you have the means for it. Because if you really got something out of our work together, this is a mechanism that allows you to give back. Or pay it forward. Because you want to help keep this resource available for others, for my further education, supervision, and ultimately, better quality services for you. Because you like to support something with your money.

I trust you to choose what's right and reflects your commitment (within your economic capabilities).

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